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  • 安記即食溏心鮑魚6隻裝1盒
  • 安記鴛鴦腸皇200克1盒
  • 安記金牌厚花菇250克1包
  • 安記頂級鮑魚麵200克1盒
  • GODIVA 牛奶巧克力餅乾12片裝
  • GODIVA 片裝巧克力餅乾20片裝
  • 英記南岩鐵觀音150克1罐


時令新鮮水果 - 日本富士蘋果3個,中國蜜柑6-8個,韓國士多啤梨1盒

CNY05 Gold and silver houseful

    • photo of product before delivery
    • acknowledgement of receipt after delivery.
    • free greeting card and decoration in all hampers
    • free delivery to business district of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon


    Delivery to New Territories, outlying islands, airport and other areas will be charged. We wholeheartedly select all CNY fancy food in our hampers, which are beloved by our customers for years, and we sincerely recommend you to place your order in earlier stage, to avoid refusing order after the cut-off time.

    • 所有禮籃,我們均提供免費一次性打印賀卡服務。
    • 以上價格已包括免費送遞香港及九龍各商業區。
    • 新界或其他地區或住宅地區,我們將收取送貨費用。
    • 農曆新年送貨期為 23 JAN 至 1 FEB 2019。



    部份送貨日期已滿,建議請致電查詢 / 預留

    詳情請參閲本網頁 Customer notice 

    Email : 

    致電熱缐查詢 3482 6260

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